Dear Saints of the Indestructible Kingdom,
As we come to election day in America, let us join our hearts in prayer.
God, we give our votes to politicians, but we give our devotion to You and our lives in love to our neighbors.
Father, we believe every person is made in your image but has sinned against you and hurt others and stands in need of your love, rescue, and repair. No politician, voter, newscaster, or neighbor is outside of the impact of sin or the impact of your love.
King of Kings, as Christians we belong to the Indestructible Kingdom that came before America and will be here long after America is not; and we are led by You Jesus, the only perfect Human, the only One we can fully trust, the only King forever. You reign with love and justice with or without our vote.
Jesus, Your campaign message was: “The kingdom of God has come near. repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) Oh, we believe the good news of your grace, forgiveness, love, justice, purity, and welcome, and we repent of our inhospitality, sexual immorality, bitterness, hatred, vengeance, and judgmentalism.
Help your church live out your “party platform” that you revealed in Luke 4 when you said…“The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.”
Jesus, You have set us free to set others free, proclaimed the good news to us so that we can proclaim good news to the poor, given us sight so that we can see the world with your love and extend freedom to the oppressed and offer your peace to our neighbors (even and especially those with whom we disagree politically).
Spirit, grant each one of us the wisdom and peace that comes from knowing that salvation comes from you (not our nation, not our politicians). Help us carry that wisdom and peace with us through the elections and into conversations with family members and neighbors and Christian brothers and sisters about the best way to live out your “party platform” together.
As Paul urged Timothy to pray for the leaders of their time, we lift up our local leaders and candidates, our state leaders and candidates, and our national leaders. Would you grant them wisdom? Would you help them cut out backbiting and selfish powerplays? Would you help them work together for the common good?
We ask all this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Thank you, Pastor Josh Kleinfeld, of Stillmeadow Church of the Nazarene, York, Pennsylvania, for hearing the voice of the Lord and sharing this prayer with us.