Hey everyone! Everything is going great here in Albania! We’ve continued to work with the pre- school and have our weekly English classes and church programs. Because of the consistency in our schedules I’ve been getting more familiar with how everything works.
As I’ve gotten more comfortable, I’ve really come to appreciate the small “insignificant” moments that occur every day. Just seeing kids smile, getting coffee, saying “hi” to people, etc. I’m finding joy in small things and fully starting to appreciate the Albanian culture. If I had one wish right now, it would be that I could either stay longer or come back again soon.
There’s days that I miss home, but then there’s days that I remember why I’m here. This country has taught me so much and so have the people here.
I recently went on a hike that resulted in two complete strangers inviting Kurt, Cameron, and I to their houses. We were given coffee, water, and snacks. In America that’s not normal, but here it’s just the culture. Generosity and hospitality are traits I long to possess and grow in, so being here has been great for me.

I also recently lost my wallet which had my license, some money, and my debit card in it. I would have been so frustrated and stressed out a few months ago, but for some reason it just felt like an inconvenience here. As someone who is prone to worrying and being angry, it’s been great to have to face problems while staying level headed. I still have my moments, but I’m learning every day.
So while there haven’t been a lot of huge events lately, I’ve still been learning through the little things. Praise God for small blessings!