Rosedale International Center Preparing to serve
Elizabeth Maust ALBANIA
2120 E 5th Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43219
Friday, September 10, 2021
This past week we have been having sessions on the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Warfare. The sessions have been very intense and involved a lot of prayer. I definitely feel as if I've learned a lot more about prayer and the power it holds, as the week has progressed. I had the opportunity to be prayed over for different spiritual gifts that I either have or desire which resulted in an amazing feeling of freedom. It's so awesome to have the ability to be so open and vulnerable with other believers, as if I've known them my entire life. Everything is going great here and I ask that you would continue to pray for me and the other REACHERers to have strength and peace of mind.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Things are going very well here in Columbus. I feel as if I've found a group of people I belong with even though it has only been a few days. I've been having a mix of both fun activities and more serious sessions. We have sessions every morning which are similar to chapel. For one of our more fund activities, some of the other REACHers and I went to go play ultimate Frisbee in the rain. It was probably the most fun I've had in a while (I've also been enjoying a lot of bike rides), but it was followed by an even better even the next day.
I was able to go to downtown Columbus with my Albania Team and participate in the Prayer Challenge. We approached strangers over the course of a few hours and were able to get to know them and find ways to pray for them. I was able to prayer with a few homeless people and the overall impact that they had on me was amazing. I hope to see all of you at Thanksgiving, but know that I am thoroughly enjoying seeing God work in Columbus!