Where does all the time go each year? It's during a time change much like this weekend with the ending of Daylight Savings time that draws my thoughts to memories of passing the time with my mother on the
front porch as a child reflecting on the thoughts that there is a time for everything under the sun (see Ecclesiastes 3). As we approach the conclusion of our series DISCIPLE, this week, we reflect on a time for answering the question that digs into our investment of time. Jesus asks Peter, "Do you truly love me more than these?" (John 20:15-19).
Jesus has taken a significant amount of time selecting his disciples, demonstrating ministry, teaching, and supervising ministry with Him. And now, he would be leaving this ministry to Peter, the disciples, generations that would follow leading to you and me today. Everyone needs Jesus in the flesh to be with them as we look ahead of us at the opportunities he gives each day we are given the opportunity to be Jesus in this world. Sometimes, we need personal help. That's why a small group getting together today and Discipled by Jesus ask the question to one another that Jesus asked Peter.
Do YOU love me?
Notice the emphasis there on you and imagine you, Jesus, and I sitting across a table for a cup of coffee where he asks this question of us. Are we taking the relationship to the next level? Are we embracing His discipleship to be like Him in the world? Or, are we looking for a Jesus that just agrees with us? Too often that's the case. We have wrestled answering:
"Who do you say that I am?" by giving praise from spending time with him recognizing His character and learning what He might say to us as we learn to know who He is.
"Do you understand what I have done?" by seeing Jesus in the world and connecting the dots of his work in our midst.
"Are you listening to me?" through the presence of the Holy Spirit, the word of God and the body of Christ to personalize his Word, the Living and Active Word of God moving in each of our lives.
While we might be tempted to change the subject and say, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, you may be tempted to dismiss that it's beginning to look a lot like it's time we implement His Way in our walk each and ever day by seeking to answer Him when He asks, "Do you truly love me?" Our yes will hear His response, then feed my lambs and sheep.
If you truly love Jesus today, you will seek ways to imitate Him in the world without bickering or reservation - you do this because you love Him. Would you withhold serving and loving those closest to you in this world? Then, why would you and I withhold serving Him when He calls us to feed the spiritual needs of:
my life,
my family,
the body of Christ,
and lost people.
If you are uncertain who and how He is calling you to be on mission for Him this week, why don't you ask Jesus, what does it look like? Don't you think it's about time you asked? He's waiting to hear from you and learn how you and He can partner to be Jesus with skin on today.